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Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth and
changes physically, mentally, and socially. These
changes may be welcome or unacceptable
depending on the adolescent's readiness. It is
unfortunate that this developmental stage reports
incidence of mental problems. Hence, I believe that
this is the best time to introduce mental health
and ways to encourage psychological well-being to
our Filipino youth. We are all too familiar with the
quote "the youth is the hope of our nation" by Jose
Rizal, to make this dream a realization, we must
build a society that value mental well-being, and
by this value, we live by it and promote it.
Speaking of Dr. Jose Rizal, he is the best candidate
of a Filipino that displays mental health, from
realizing his potential to being resilient and we
cannot deny his great contribution to our country
and the world.
These modules are created for the youth, for the
students, to answer the mental health integration
into the educational system to address the mental
health conditions and promote a mentally fit
individual. A module that integrates indigenous
knowledge, beliefs, and practices of Filipinos to
expose students to traditional elements of our
ancestors that widely influence the behavior of
their elders, and to a certain degree influences
today's youth.
Though we are bombarded with Western and Asian
influences in our daily lives, it is rewarding and
insightful to discover ways of living and healing
from our Filipino forefathers.
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